Query Metrics
Database Queries
Different statements
105.79 ms
Query time
Invalid entities
#▲ | Time | Info |
1 | 1.35 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.email AS email_2, t0.roles AS roles_3, t0.password AS password_4, t0.nom AS nom_5, t0.prenom AS prenom_6, t0.created_at AS created_at_7, t0.updated_at AS updated_at_8, t0.telephone AS telephone_9, t0.actif AS actif_10, t0.trigramme AS trigramme_11, t0.agence_id AS agence_id_12 FROM user t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
2 | 0.89 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.numero_affaire AS numero_affaire_2, t0.site AS site_3, t0.site_contact AS site_contact_4, t0.site_adresse AS site_adresse_5, t0.site_code_postal AS site_code_postal_6, t0.site_ville AS site_ville_7, t0.exigences AS exigences_8, t0.retour_exp AS retour_exp_9, t0.remarques AS remarques_10, t0.created_at AS created_at_11, t0.updated_at AS updated_at_12, t0.objet AS objet_13, t0.is_deleted AS is_deleted_14, t0.site_contact_tel AS site_contact_tel_15, t0.site_contact_mail AS site_contact_mail_16, t0.categorie_id AS categorie_id_17, t0.responsable_id AS responsable_id_18, t0.client_id AS client_id_19, t0.agence_id AS agence_id_20 FROM affaire t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
3 | 45.00 ms |
SELECT DISTINCT a0_.id AS id_0, a0_.numero_affaire AS numero_affaire_1 FROM affaire a0_ LEFT JOIN client c1_ ON a0_.client_id = c1_.id LEFT JOIN categorie_affaire c2_ ON a0_.categorie_id = c2_.id LEFT JOIN user u3_ ON a0_.responsable_id = u3_.id LEFT JOIN proposition p4_ ON a0_.id = p4_.affaire_id WHERE (LOWER(a0_.numero_affaire) LIKE ? OR LOWER(a0_.numero_affaire) IN (?) OR LOWER(a0_.objet) LIKE ? OR LOWER(a0_.objet) IN (?) OR LOWER(a0_.site) LIKE ? OR LOWER(a0_.site) IN (?) OR LOWER(a0_.site_contact) LIKE ? OR LOWER(a0_.site_contact) IN (?) OR LOWER(c1_.societe) LIKE ? OR LOWER(c1_.societe) IN (?) OR LOWER(c1_.contact_nom) LIKE ? OR LOWER(c1_.contact_nom) IN (?) OR LOWER(c1_.contact_prenom) LIKE ? OR LOWER(c1_.contact_prenom) IN (?) OR LOWER(c2_.libelle_court) LIKE ? OR LOWER(c2_.libelle_court) IN (?) OR LOWER(c2_.libelle_long) LIKE ? OR LOWER(c2_.libelle_long) IN (?) OR LOWER(u3_.nom) LIKE ? OR LOWER(u3_.nom) IN (?) OR LOWER(u3_.prenom) LIKE ? OR LOWER(u3_.prenom) IN (?) OR LOWER(u3_.trigramme) LIKE ? OR LOWER(u3_.trigramme) IN (?) OR LOWER(p4_.objet) LIKE ? OR LOWER(p4_.objet) IN (?) OR LOWER(p4_.avancement) LIKE ? OR LOWER(p4_.avancement) IN (?)) AND (a0_.is_deleted = 0 OR a0_.is_deleted IS NULL) ORDER BY a0_.numero_affaire DESC LIMIT 30
[ "%catinaud%" "catinaud" "%catinaud%" "catinaud" "%catinaud%" "catinaud" "%catinaud%" "catinaud" "%catinaud%" "catinaud" "%catinaud%" "catinaud" "%catinaud%" "catinaud" "%catinaud%" "catinaud" "%catinaud%" "catinaud" "%catinaud%" "catinaud" "%catinaud%" "catinaud" "%catinaud%" "catinaud" "%catinaud%" "catinaud" "%catinaud%" "catinaud" ] |
4 | 1.33 ms |
SELECT a0_.id AS id_0, a0_.numero_affaire AS numero_affaire_1, a0_.site AS site_2, a0_.site_contact AS site_contact_3, a0_.site_adresse AS site_adresse_4, a0_.site_code_postal AS site_code_postal_5, a0_.site_ville AS site_ville_6, a0_.exigences AS exigences_7, a0_.retour_exp AS retour_exp_8, a0_.remarques AS remarques_9, a0_.created_at AS created_at_10, a0_.updated_at AS updated_at_11, a0_.objet AS objet_12, a0_.is_deleted AS is_deleted_13, a0_.site_contact_tel AS site_contact_tel_14, a0_.site_contact_mail AS site_contact_mail_15, a0_.categorie_id AS categorie_id_16, a0_.responsable_id AS responsable_id_17, a0_.client_id AS client_id_18, a0_.agence_id AS agence_id_19 FROM affaire a0_ LEFT JOIN client c1_ ON a0_.client_id = c1_.id LEFT JOIN categorie_affaire c2_ ON a0_.categorie_id = c2_.id LEFT JOIN user u3_ ON a0_.responsable_id = u3_.id LEFT JOIN proposition p4_ ON a0_.id = p4_.affaire_id WHERE (LOWER(a0_.numero_affaire) LIKE ? OR LOWER(a0_.numero_affaire) IN (?) OR LOWER(a0_.objet) LIKE ? OR LOWER(a0_.objet) IN (?) OR LOWER(a0_.site) LIKE ? OR LOWER(a0_.site) IN (?) OR LOWER(a0_.site_contact) LIKE ? OR LOWER(a0_.site_contact) IN (?) OR LOWER(c1_.societe) LIKE ? OR LOWER(c1_.societe) IN (?) OR LOWER(c1_.contact_nom) LIKE ? OR LOWER(c1_.contact_nom) IN (?) OR LOWER(c1_.contact_prenom) LIKE ? OR LOWER(c1_.contact_prenom) IN (?) OR LOWER(c2_.libelle_court) LIKE ? OR LOWER(c2_.libelle_court) IN (?) OR LOWER(c2_.libelle_long) LIKE ? OR LOWER(c2_.libelle_long) IN (?) OR LOWER(u3_.nom) LIKE ? OR LOWER(u3_.nom) IN (?) OR LOWER(u3_.prenom) LIKE ? OR LOWER(u3_.prenom) IN (?) OR LOWER(u3_.trigramme) LIKE ? OR LOWER(u3_.trigramme) IN (?) OR LOWER(p4_.objet) LIKE ? OR LOWER(p4_.objet) IN (?) OR LOWER(p4_.avancement) LIKE ? OR LOWER(p4_.avancement) IN (?)) AND (a0_.is_deleted = 0 OR a0_.is_deleted IS NULL) AND a0_.id IN (?) ORDER BY a0_.numero_affaire DESC
[ "%catinaud%" "catinaud" "%catinaud%" "catinaud" "%catinaud%" "catinaud" "%catinaud%" "catinaud" "%catinaud%" "catinaud" "%catinaud%" "catinaud" "%catinaud%" "catinaud" "%catinaud%" "catinaud" "%catinaud%" "catinaud" "%catinaud%" "catinaud" "%catinaud%" "catinaud" "%catinaud%" "catinaud" "%catinaud%" "catinaud" "%catinaud%" "catinaud" 2026 ] |
5 | 53.14 ms |
SELECT count(DISTINCT a0_.id) AS sclr_0 FROM affaire a0_ LEFT JOIN client c1_ ON a0_.client_id = c1_.id LEFT JOIN categorie_affaire c2_ ON a0_.categorie_id = c2_.id LEFT JOIN user u3_ ON a0_.responsable_id = u3_.id LEFT JOIN proposition p4_ ON a0_.id = p4_.affaire_id WHERE (LOWER(a0_.numero_affaire) LIKE ? OR LOWER(a0_.numero_affaire) IN (?) OR LOWER(a0_.objet) LIKE ? OR LOWER(a0_.objet) IN (?) OR LOWER(a0_.site) LIKE ? OR LOWER(a0_.site) IN (?) OR LOWER(a0_.site_contact) LIKE ? OR LOWER(a0_.site_contact) IN (?) OR LOWER(c1_.societe) LIKE ? OR LOWER(c1_.societe) IN (?) OR LOWER(c1_.contact_nom) LIKE ? OR LOWER(c1_.contact_nom) IN (?) OR LOWER(c1_.contact_prenom) LIKE ? OR LOWER(c1_.contact_prenom) IN (?) OR LOWER(c2_.libelle_court) LIKE ? OR LOWER(c2_.libelle_court) IN (?) OR LOWER(c2_.libelle_long) LIKE ? OR LOWER(c2_.libelle_long) IN (?) OR LOWER(u3_.nom) LIKE ? OR LOWER(u3_.nom) IN (?) OR LOWER(u3_.prenom) LIKE ? OR LOWER(u3_.prenom) IN (?) OR LOWER(u3_.trigramme) LIKE ? OR LOWER(u3_.trigramme) IN (?) OR LOWER(p4_.objet) LIKE ? OR LOWER(p4_.objet) IN (?) OR LOWER(p4_.avancement) LIKE ? OR LOWER(p4_.avancement) IN (?)) AND (a0_.is_deleted = 0 OR a0_.is_deleted IS NULL)
[ "%catinaud%" "catinaud" "%catinaud%" "catinaud" "%catinaud%" "catinaud" "%catinaud%" "catinaud" "%catinaud%" "catinaud" "%catinaud%" "catinaud" "%catinaud%" "catinaud" "%catinaud%" "catinaud" "%catinaud%" "catinaud" "%catinaud%" "catinaud" "%catinaud%" "catinaud" "%catinaud%" "catinaud" "%catinaud%" "catinaud" "%catinaud%" "catinaud" ] |
6 | 0.66 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.email AS email_2, t0.roles AS roles_3, t0.password AS password_4, t0.nom AS nom_5, t0.prenom AS prenom_6, t0.created_at AS created_at_7, t0.updated_at AS updated_at_8, t0.telephone AS telephone_9, t0.actif AS actif_10, t0.trigramme AS trigramme_11, t0.agence_id AS agence_id_12 FROM user t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
7 | 0.74 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.nom AS nom_2, t0.adresse AS adresse_3, t0.boite_postale AS boite_postale_4, t0.code_postal AS code_postal_5, t0.ville AS ville_6, t0.telephone AS telephone_7, t0.siret AS siret_8, t0.code_ape AS code_ape_9, t0.tva_intracommunautaire AS tva_intracommunautaire_10 FROM agence t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
8 | 0.49 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.societe AS societe_2, t0.contact_nom AS contact_nom_3, t0.contact_prenom AS contact_prenom_4, t0.telephone AS telephone_5, t0.email AS email_6, t0.adresse AS adresse_7, t0.code_postal AS code_postal_8, t0.ville AS ville_9, t0.remarques AS remarques_10, t0.type_id AS type_id_11 FROM client t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
9 | 1.42 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.date_demande AS date_demande_2, t0.date_envoi AS date_envoi_3, t0.date_validite AS date_validite_4, t0.montant_ht AS montant_ht_5, t0.remarques AS remarques_6, t0.version AS version_7, t0.valide AS valide_8, t0.objet AS objet_9, t0.exigences AS exigences_10, t0.avancement AS avancement_11, t0.auteur_id AS auteur_id_12, t13.id AS id_14, t13.email AS email_15, t13.roles AS roles_16, t13.password AS password_17, t13.nom AS nom_18, t13.prenom AS prenom_19, t13.created_at AS created_at_20, t13.updated_at AS updated_at_21, t13.telephone AS telephone_22, t13.actif AS actif_23, t13.trigramme AS trigramme_24, t13.agence_id AS agence_id_25, t0.origine_id AS origine_id_26, t27.id AS id_28, t27.libelle_court AS libelle_court_29, t27.libelle_long AS libelle_long_30, t0.affaire_id AS affaire_id_31, t32.id AS id_33, t32.reference AS reference_34, t32.lien_vers_piece AS lien_vers_piece_35, t32.montant AS montant_36, t32.proposition_id AS proposition_id_37, t32.affaire_id AS affaire_id_38, t0.categorie_id AS categorie_id_39 FROM proposition t0 LEFT JOIN user t13 ON t0.auteur_id = t13.id LEFT JOIN proposition_origine t27 ON t0.origine_id = t27.id LEFT JOIN facture t32 ON t32.proposition_id = t0.id WHERE t0.affaire_id = ?
10 | 0.78 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.libelle_court AS libelle_court_2, t0.libelle_long AS libelle_long_3, t0.remarques AS remarques_4 FROM categorie_affaire t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
Database Connections
Name | Service |
default | doctrine.dbal.default_connection |
Entity Managers
Name | Service |
default | doctrine.orm.default_entity_manager |
Second Level Cache
Second Level Cache is not enabled.
Entities Mapping
Class | Mapping errors |
App\Entity\User | No errors. |
App\Entity\Agence | No errors. |
App\Entity\Proposition | No errors. |
App\Entity\Dossier | No errors. |
App\Entity\Courrier | No errors. |
App\Entity\Affaire | No errors. |
App\Entity\CategorieAffaire | No errors. |
App\Entity\Client | No errors. |
App\Entity\Commande | No errors. |
App\Entity\Facture | No errors. |
App\Entity\TypeClient | No errors. |
App\Entity\PropositionOrigine | No errors. |
App\Entity\CommandeProposition | No errors. |
App\Entity\FactureProposition | No errors. |